Wedding Cake Cutting Guide Fatemeh Kazmi

The most important goal in creating this guide is to optimize the food according to the population and identify the social dignity of each person. Given the current economic situation, holding large wedding ceremonies is very expensive, and planning and distributing food fairly is a suggested method. In this way you have more guests at your parties with less food. This guide specifically divides the cake and you can make a copy of the pages of this guide for free.
1. These pages contain a table of guests and the ratio of guests to wedding organizers.
2. This instruction is embedded for a maximum of 20 guests (If your guest is more than this number, copy from the tables page several times)
3. In the first column from the left, write the names of the guests and in the side column, the relationship between the guest and the host (the purpose of this work is a fair division and the importance of the guest›s dignity)
4. Try to fill in this table at least one week before the wedding.
5. The best time to eat cake is after dinner to consume the least amount.
6. It is better to choose one of close relatives familiar with the science of spatial geometry to cut the cake.

Square(the most economical)
Petal (the highest amount of waste)

1. The shape of the cake is very important. The simplest type of cake to cut is a square or rectangular cake because it has a corner of the cake and it is easier to find the center.
2. If the cake has two layers, first try to separate the layers and start from the bottom floor for cutting (of course, this type of cake is not recommended at the moment due to its high cost)
3. Before cutting, remove the decorations on the cake so that the surface for cutting is smooth and even.
4. Use a sharp knife and put warm water next to your hand and wash the knife in warm water after each cutting.
5. Each slice should be approximately 1 to 1.5 cm wide and 2 to 3 cm long (consider that the height of each cake is different)
6. At the beginning of this guide, I mentioned that the dimensions of the cake share vary according to the proximity of the guest and the importance of that person, which means that one person›s share can be the size of three people. (An example is given to illustrate this point, please refer to the table)

Round Tiers:
Move in two Cm from the tier›s outer edge; cut a circle and then slice 1 cm pieces within the circle. Now move in another 2 cm. Cut another circle, slice 1 cm pieces and so on until the tier is completely cut. The center core of each tier and the small top tier can be cut into 3rds, 4ths and 6ths, size depending on the importance of guests. 

Square Tiers:(the most economical)
Move in 2 cm from the outer edge and cut across. Then slice 1 cm pieces of cake. Now move in another 2 cm and slice again until the entire tier is cut.

Heart Tiers:
Divide the tiers vertically into 1/2ths, 4ths, 6ths and 8ths. Within rows, slice 1 cm pisces of cake.

Petal Tiers: (the highest amount of waste)
Cut similar to round tiers as the diagram shows.