Gabriella performed in Beautiful Transition,
Truth and Manifestation opening the Triptych of works for Saatchi Lates. Her
piece was part of a series of works performed by her as a way of resistance to
the current political situation in Brazil, her homeland. She used watercolor,
inks, acrylic, and large-scale paper combined with large body movements and
refers to the Brazilian Tropicália movement in a compilation of lyrics voiced
overs whilst performing. Tropicália being the cultural, political, and
musical movement that took hold in Brazil in the late 1960s during the
dictatorship as a form of resistance. For Gabriela, the current political
situation in Brazil has become very much pedagogical to the Brazilian left-wing
parties on what we have achieved as a progressive society and then lost it to a
radical right-wing oligarchy. The performance was live streamed through our Instagram